Trademark Searches in Canada
Canadian trademark searches come in 3 flavors: basic, better and best, and this is a case where ‘you get what you pay for’.
A basic Canadian trademark search is a free direct ‘knock-out’ search of the trademarks register. This basic search is free has two important limitations:
a) It only looks for identical trademarks; and
b) The search is only of one database: trademarks registered in Canada and pending trademark applications in Canada. To add to the problem, the on-line form provided by the trademarks office is confusing and difficult to use.
Everyone should conduct a basic trademark search before filing a trademark application in Canada.
In Canada, the best form of trademark search is a full common law search, conducted using the sophisticated search algorithms and widest set of data possible. The data searched includes, in addition to registered and pending trademarks in Canada, corporate and business names registered federally and provincially, and names in use on the internet and in phone directories and the like. These common law searches cost $750+ and results are usually available within a week of ordering. We will conduct a full common law search for you starting immediately – please email us or call 1.866.297.1179 to begin.