Oppositions to pending trademark applications, which must be resolved before registration, are complex. Learn more.
A trademark registration can be cancelled for non-use within the past 3 years, and for improper registration in the first place.
Amazon.ca (Amazon Canada) and Canadian trademarks. Know your rights, and protect them.
How to claim priority to a non-Canadian application or registration.
Use in Canada of a trademark is a fundamental concept in Canadian trademark law.
A trademark must not lack distinctiveness. Inherent and acquired distinctiveness are key concepts in Canadian trademark law.
Having a trusted Canadian trademark agent of record for your applications and registrations is very important for many reasons.
A trademark must not be ‘confusingly similar’ to existing rights. Learn more about confusion, associated goods/services and channels of trade.
Canadian trademark registrations are for 10 years – a renewal is required each 10 years thereafter.
Transfer of ownership of Canadian trademarks using assignments and bills of sale.
Proper marking of goods and services and correct use of the trademark is crucial to maintain your trademark rights.
Canadian trademark registrations are for 10 years – a renewal is required each 10 years thereafter.