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Canadian Trademark Searches.

We strongly recommend that you conduct a trademark search prior to filing a Canadian trademark application.

You conduct a trademark search to ensure that your proposed trademark is not confusing with an existing Canadian trademark (if it is, the application will be rejected).  Learn more about the basics of confusion in Intermediate Canadian Trademark Law.

A search frequently identifies potential problems with your application, and therefore, frequently saves you substantial time and money. If you file without searching, there is a strong likelihood that you will waste the $330+ government filing fees entirely. Also, if you do not search very carefully, it is also very risky to invest heavily in marketing activities before the trademark has been registered.  Registration currently takes 28+ months.

The type of search that you conduct will depend upon your budget and your level of certainty that there are no pre-existing marks which are confusingly similar to your own.

The three types of Canadian trademark searches are (click this link for more information about these 3 types of Canadian trademark searches):

  • a basic ‘knock-out’ Canadian trademark search.  This is a search of the Canadian trademarks registry for identical trademarks; we often conduct these searches at no extra costs for our clients, when we have been engaged to prepare and file a full application;
  • a filtered Canadian trademark search.  This is a computerized search of the Canadian trademarks database, through a trusted searching company, using an algorithm which attempts to identify names which are likely to look or sound similar to your proposed mark; and,
  • A full registry and common law Canada trademark search, this includes the filtered search as well as corporate names and business names registered in Canada conducted using sophisticated algorithms.  The results of which are then reviewed in detail by a qualified trademark agent. Order a full common law search from us using the form below.
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